Convert KG to LBS – Vice Versa

KG to LBS Converter Enter Kilograms (KG): Results in Pounds (LBS): Swap Units Clear function convert() { var inputField = document.getElementById(‘unitInput’); var outputField = document.getElementById(‘unitOutput’); var inputValue = parseFloat(inputField.value) || 0; if (isNaN(inputValue)) { outputField.value = ‘Please enter a valid number.’; return; } var result = ”; if (currentUnit === ‘kilograms’) { var poundsValue = … Read more

Convert Kilometres (KM) to Miles – Vice Versa

KM to Miles Converter Enter Kilometers: Results in Miles: Swap Units Clear function convert() { var inputField = document.getElementById(‘unitInput’); var outputField = document.getElementById(‘unitOutput’); var inputValue = parseFloat(inputField.value) || 0; if (isNaN(inputValue)) { outputField.value = ‘Please enter a valid number.’; return; } var result = ”; if (currentUnit === ‘kilometers’) { var milesValue = (inputValue / … Read more

Convert Square Feet to Acre – vice versa

Square Feet to Acre Converter Enter Square Feet: Results in Acres: Swap Units Clear function convert() { var inputField = document.getElementById(‘unitInput’); var outputField = document.getElementById(‘unitOutput’); var inputValue = parseFloat(inputField.value) || 0; if (isNaN(inputValue)) { outputField.value = ‘Please enter a valid number.’; return; } var result = ”; if (currentUnit === ‘squarefeet’) { var acresValue = … Read more

Convert Milligrams to Cubic Centimeters – Vice Versa

MG to CC Converter Enter Milligrams: Results in Cubic Centimeters: Swap Units Clear function convert() { var inputField = document.getElementById(‘unitInput’); var outputField = document.getElementById(‘unitOutput’); var inputValue = parseFloat(inputField.value) || 0; if (isNaN(inputValue)) { outputField.value = ‘Please enter a valid number.’; return; } var result = ”; if (currentUnit === ‘milligrams’) { var cubicCentimetersValue = (inputValue … Read more

Convert Centimeters to Inches (CM to In) Vice Versa

CM to Inches Converter Enter Centimeters: Results in Inches: Swap Units Clear function convert() { var inputField = document.getElementById(‘unitInput’); var outputField = document.getElementById(‘unitOutput’); var inputValue = parseFloat(inputField.value) || 0; if (isNaN(inputValue)) { outputField.value = ‘Please enter a valid number.’; return; } var result = ”; if (currentUnit === ‘centimeters’) { var inchesValue = (inputValue / … Read more

Convert Cubic Meters to Square Meters – Vice Versa

Cubic M to Square M Converter Enter Cubic Meters: Results in Square Meters: Swap Units Clear function convert() { var inputField = document.getElementById(‘unitInput’); var outputField = document.getElementById(‘unitOutput’); var inputValue = parseFloat(inputField.value) || 0; if (isNaN(inputValue)) { outputField.value = ‘Please enter a valid number.’; return; } var result = ”; if (currentUnit === ‘cubicmeters’) { var … Read more

Pokemon Infinite Fusion Calculator

Pokemon Infinite Fusion Calculator First Pokémon: Second Pokémon: Result: Random Reset Fuse function reset() { // Code to reset the dropdowns and result } function fuse() { // Code to handle the fusion logic and display the result } Breeding Imagination: Pokemon Infinite Fusion Calculator Delve into a realm of creativity with the Pokemon Infinite … Read more

ASQ Age Calculator

ASQ Age Calculator Child’s Age (in months): Developmental Domain: Calculate ASQ Age Result: // Perform calculations or processing here based on the ASQ Age Calculator logic // For demonstration purposes, assuming a simple result message var resultElement = document.getElementById(‘result’); resultElement.innerHTML = ‘ Estimated ASQ Age for ‘ + domain + ‘ domain at ‘ + … Read more

Dog lap day calculator

Your Birth – Day Your Birth – Month Your Birth- Year Dog’s Birth – Day Dog’s Birth – Month Dog’s Birth – Year Calculate Dog Lap Day Dog Lap Day: const personBirthday = new Date(personYear, personMonth – 1, personDay); const dogBirthday = new Date(dogYear, dogMonth – 1, dogDay); const diffMilliseconds = Math.abs(personBirthday – dogBirthday); const … Read more

Enthalpy Change Calculator

Enthalpy Change Calculator Initial Temperature (in °C): Final Temperature (in °C): Mass (in grams): Heat Capacity (in J/g°C): Calculate Enthalpy Change Result: // Calculate enthalpy change var enthalpyChange = mass * heatCapacity * (finalTemp – initialTemp); // Display the result var resultElement = document.getElementById(‘result’); resultElement.innerHTML = ‘ Enthalpy Change: ‘ + enthalpyChange + ‘ J … Read more
